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Stopping Foreclosure and Repossession

Stop Foreclosure and Repossession in Charlotte, North Carolina

Recently, foreclosures in the United States reached epidemic proportions. In fact, about half of our clients are currently facing foreclosure proceedings. If you're like one of the thousands of Americans who are threatened with losing their home, take heart in the fact that in many cases you can stop foreclosure by filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

To schedule a free consultation about how to stop foreclosure or repossession, contact The Cummings Law Firm, P.A. online or call us at (704)512-0697. With decades of experience, we've helped thousands of clients save their homes from foreclosure and their cars and other property from repossession.

Reorganizing Debt With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Usually, we recommend Chapter 13 bankruptcy when saving a home from foreclosure or halting repossession. The reason being, that Chapter 13 bankruptcy does not require you to surrender any of your assets. Instead, you reorganize all of your debts into one affordable monthly payment, and you make that payment for the next three to five years. Any unpaid debt that remains after that period may be discharged.

Stopping or Reversing Automobile Repossession

In a city like Charlotte, most people need a car to get to work. Losing your car can often mean losing your job. Sometimes, repossession companies take cars without even notifying the owners. We have had clients who have looked to the front of their house to discover that their car had vanished.

By working with The Cummings Law Firm, P.A., you can use bankruptcy to stop foreclosure and repossession. To schedule a free initial consultation, contact us today by calling (704)512-0697 or by clicking here.

Our office location contact us

The Cummings Law Firm, P.A.
1230 W. Morehead Street, Suite 404
Charlotte, NC 28208

Phone: (704) 376-2853
Fax: (704) 376-3334

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