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Children's Disability Issues

Charlotte Children Social Security Disability Lawyer

Are you trying to help a child obtain disability benefits? There are two types of situations where a child could obtain government benefits for disability: when his or her parent has been receiving benefits and dies or when the child is disabled. The Cummings Law Firm, P.A., offers skilled legal help to surviving children and disabled children.

Our skilled Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina, child SSI claim lawyer provides compassionate and effective help for children. Contact us online or call (704)512-0697 to arrange a free initial consultation.

When Can a Child Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

A child can obtain benefits on his or her parent's SSDI account if one of the following conditions exists:

  • The parent is retired and receiving retirement benefits or is disabled and receiving SSDI benefits
  • The parent died after having worked long enough in a job where the parent paid in Social Security taxes to be covered by Social Security Survivor's benefits

Are you unsure if your child, or the child you are helping out, qualifies? Just talk to us. We can look at the specific situation and point you in the right direction.

Does My Child Qualify for Supplemental Security Income Benefits?

Since disabled children have not worked and have not paid into the Social Security system, they are not eligible to receive SSD for their disabilities. However, disabled children can be eligible for Supplement Security Income, which is a need-based program.

If you are applying for SSI benefits for a disabled child, you will need to furnish medical evidence to prove the disability. The documents should cover any diagnosed medical condition and in the case of certain mental or behavioral disorders, school and/or psychiatric records that will show that the child is disabled. Our attorneys will be here to help you gather all of the necessary documentation to ensure your child gets the benefits he or she requires.

Contact a Charlotte and Gastonia, North Carolina, SSI Claim Attorney

If you are assisting a child with a SSD matter or seeking SSI benefits for your child, contact The Cummings Law Firm, P.A., online or call us at (704)512-0697. We offer free consultations.

Our office location contact us

The Cummings Law Firm, P.A.
1230 W. Morehead Street, Suite 404
Charlotte, NC 28208

Phone: (704) 376-2853
Fax: (704) 376-3334

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